Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Thoughts on moving

The Zumba Mamis who have been with Paty for many years now

Tonight I had the pleasure of team-teaching with the beautiful Paty Parkerson Sotelo (formally known as Paty Gonzalez Sotelo)! We had an awesome turn out with almost 60 people! She has been my Zumba inspiration, what I aspire to be as an instructor.

This was one of her last classes because she is moving to Mongolia with her new husband! As she was telling her story to everyone after class, she said how at first she felt nothing but excited for her big adventure, but as she began to talk to more people about moving, everyone only had worries and concerns, "Will you be lonely?...What will you do there?...You don't know anyone over there..." and then she began to feel worried too. I guess it's natural for all of these things to cross one's mind, but honestly I didn't feel any fears for her when I heard the news!

Now, for myself, I have thought about these things constantly. I'm sad to leave all of my friends behind in Arizona, I'm sad to move so far from my parents and Galen's parents. I'm worried that with Galen's busy schedule, I will be lonely. I've made so many friends at the gym, and teaching Zumba has become such a huge part of my life; what if I can't get a job teaching in Boston?

It's strange how I worry about all of these things for myself, but for Paty, I'm certain she will thrive no matter what. I'm excited to start a new adventure and experience living in a new place. I'm excited to be able to take road trips to places other than Phoenix, Sedona, and Vegas. I'm excited for chowdah and lobstah rolls! I guess there's really no way of telling how we'll do, but if Paty can do it in MONGOLIA then I can manage in Boston. ;)

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